Cloud Management

Webinar: Optimizing How Your Teams Use Cloud Infrastructure

June 7, 2023
10 min READ

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools, such as Terraform, AWS CloudFormation, and Azure Resource Manager, have become integral to day-to-day operations for engineering and testing teams looking to meet project deadlines. 

However, scaling IaC usage across the organization can introduce new challenges that can ultimately delay deployments and increase security risks: 

  • Managing large volumes of IaC files 
  • Tracking issues
  • Improper access and usage
  • Lack of governance 

As a result, many organizations face a choice: slow their teams down to ensure their cloud configurations follow usage policies or prioritize speed at the expense of increased risk of security breaches and unexpected budget overruns. 

On Wednesday, March 30th, we’re hosting a live panel discussion on Addressing Risks and Optimizing How Your Teams Use Cloud Infrastructure. Our panel of experts will discuss:  

  • The value of IaC tools to dev and DevOps teams 
  • Best practices as IaC usage scales 
  • Key IaC risks and challenges 
  • IaC alternatives 


Register here to join the live event or receive the on-demand recording afterward.