Integrations to Accelerate Developer Productivity

Quali Torque gives developers on-demand access to launch environments where and when they need them.

DevOps tools & integrations

Can Your Developers Run Cloud Environments On-Demand?

Development, testing, and other environments are too complex and time-consuming to provision, resulting in ticket requests and delays that slow down release timelines.

Quali Torque is an API-first platform to scale cloud environments

Scale & Simplify IaC

Connecting your repositories to Quali Torque allows you to automatically generate a reusable source file defining all the resources needed to deploy your cloud environment so your developers and other staff can launch on-demand with a single click.

Access via Dev Tools

Provide role-based access for your teams to run pre-configured environments directly within the CLI, IDE, CI/CD platforms, and Internal Developer Portals where they need them.

Automate Approval Workflows

Standardize application infrastructure by requiring approvals via ITSM, email, or ChatOps any time your teams attempt to deploy cloud resources that violate your cost, security, or other custom policies.

See how Quali Torque works

Watch this brief demo to see how Torque can accelerate your developers’ workflows.

Quali Torque’s Support for Developer Tools

CI/CD Integrations

Optimize the IaC integrated within your CI/CD pipelines. Quali Torque sits between your Git repositories and your CI/CD platforms to define and deploy complete application environments, reconcile configuration drift proactively, enforce role-based access controls over IaC configurations, and provide continuous visibility into the users responsible for all configurations and deployments.

Spotify Backstage

Enhance developer experience with on-demand access to pre-configured application resources. Quali Torque creates reusable definitions of custom application environments and services that developers can initiate directly within their Backstage IDP.


Enhance GitOps with granular visibility and environments as code integrated with Argo CD. Quali Torque allows developers to deploy complete application environments by simply committing code in Git and provides granular visibility into and control over the cloud resources created by Argo CD deployments at scale.


Simplify management of application environments with CLI integrations that allow your teams to validate changes in real-time and deploy test environments directly from the development branch, without the need to merge changes with production. Simplify environment orchestration and de-bugging with auto-complete, instant error checks, and schema validations for YAML files built in VS Code and other IDEs.

Ready to see more? Book a demo with our team

Frequently Asked Questions

Torque leverages the cloud resource definitions in your IaC modules and creates a new YAML in Torque that leverages that code. In Torque, these are referred to as assets.

In the Designer Canvas, administrators can find these assets as building blocks in their Asset Library. From there, they can click to add those assets to their canvas, set dependencies between those assets, and set parameters to define the launch plan for their environment.

This design process automatically generates a new YAML in Torque that defines the environment launch plan. Administrators can also choose to design and modify their environment blueprint via the code in YAML.

Once defined, end users can launch these environments on-demand—via Torque’s self-service catalog or integrations with developer tools or CI/CD platforms. Torque also automates the lifecycle of these environments, initiates custom actions automatically, enforces cloud governance by denying the launch of any environment that violates their custom policies, and track all activity and costs based on these deployments.

Think of Torque as a control plane for your existing Infrastructure as Code.

Torque supports GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, and Azure DevOps repositories, as well as on-premises/hosted versions of these repositories. Torque also supports AWS CodeCommit.

After entering the repository’s URL, Torque will discover the resource configurations in the Infrastructure as Code modules defined within them, with support for Terraform, AWS CloudFormation, Kubernetes, Helm, and Ansible.

Once an admin selects the resource configurations they need, Torque automatically wraps those configurations in a YAML that is accessible in the Torque platform and which can be stored in the Git repository. This allows admins to define complete environment configurations as YAML, which Torque can deploy by initiating the creation of those assets in line with the dependencies and other conditions laid out in the YAML.

Torque admins can also connect multiple repositories to Spaces, where only specific users can access the infrastructure. This helps admins restrict access and enforce permissions to infrastructure based on need.

Integrating Quali Torque with CI/CD allows developers to trigger the launch of application environments on-demand directly from their pipelines.

This expands on the practice of integrating IaC modules directly to CI/CD by defining the complete environment configuration—including multiple cloud services defined in different IaC or Kubernetes tools, dependencies between those services, and the outputs that the user needs—and automating the launch of those environments directly in the pipeline.

Torque also encrypts all credentials and other secrets for cloud infrastructure, notifies teams when configurations drift from their initial state, tracks the users and teams responsible for launching environments, and provides visibility into actively deployed resources and the configurations defining them.

Think of Torque as the platform that defines environments as code by leveraging your Infrastructure as Code, then applying visibility and governance for the environments deployed in your CI/CD pipelines.

Currently, Torque supports Azure DevOps, Jenkins, GitHub Actions, Spinnaker, TeamCity, and CircleCI.

To inquire about integrating with any other CI/CD platforms, contact our team.

Yes! Our customers leverage Torque to provide developers access to application environments and other critical services directly within their Spotify Backstage IDP.

This improves developer experience eliminating the need to provision infrastructure or request environments from DevOps or other teams. For platform teams, Torque also provides visibility into the performance, configurations, and use of application infrastructure via Backstage based on the user who deployed it and the pipeline it supports.

To inquire about integrating Torque with Spotify Backstage, contact our team today.

Torque validates changes in real-time and allows users to launch test environments directly from the development branch, without needing to first merge the changes to production.

Check out our documentation to learn more about support for CLI.

Torque creates YAML files that define all the infrastructure, dependencies, and outputs to support specific use cases, such as development or testing environments.

Torque’s VS Code extension makes this process easier by providing auto-complete for code, instant error checks, and schema validations.

Check out our documentation to learn more about using the VS Code with Torque.