Cloud Cost Management

Who’s to blame when cloud investments don’t pay off?

June 7, 2023
10 min READ

Since the realities of the pandemic drove a rush to cloud infrastructure, many organizations have started to have second thoughts.

A recent Wall Street Journal article reported on CIOs whose cloud investments were failing to generate a positive ROI.

“Many companies accelerated ongoing efforts to move systems and apps into the cloud after the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic,” the WSJ said, “to support the shift to remote work.”

But when hit with unforeseen cloud costs, tech executives have taken pause to assess their strategy.

“You discover your cloud architecture is immature when you’re surprised by the bill,” said one.

The experience is not uncommon. About 67% of senior technology leaders responding to a recent KPMG survey said that their cloud investments have yet to generate a significant return.

However, companies that incur higher-than-expected cloud costs shouldn’t blame the cloud. Rather, a lack of control over how cloud infrastructure is used drives up cloud costs.

Let’s be clear—cloud infrastructure is essential today, especially as workforces remain dispersed and IT departments run lean. But its decentralized nature creates holes — vulnerabilities — that can overshadow the value of developer velocity.

Wasted spend can grow quickly as users provision oversized cloud instances for the workloads they need, run environments for longer durations than is necessary, or deploy unauthorized resources or platforms that IT or operations are unable to monitor.

These are the kinds of challenges we help our users address without sacrificing developer velocity.

Torque offers developers on-demand access to deploy the environments they need—via self-service or automation within the tools they already use—via repeatable blueprints managed by DevOps architects and admins.

This balance of self-service access and centralized management allows admins to automate policy enforcement without slowing down end users. No matter how quickly your developers might operate, these preconfigured policies prevent them from deploying unauthorized cloud platforms or services or configuring environments to run longer than needed.

This control allows our users to maximize the cloud’s benefits while minimizing the risk of uncontrolled costs impacting their investment.

Policy setting is just one aspect of Torque’s overall control plane, which provides discovery, orchestration, visibility, and management capabilities to balance speed and cost control.

Get started with a free trial account of Torque today.

Additional Resources

Is the DevOps Skills Gap Holding You Back?