Self-Service Access to Pre-Configured Environments Stop waiting for access to the infrastructure you need. Move faster with self-service deployment on-demand.

Deploy dev, test, staging, and production environments on-demand with repeatable blueprints based on your existing IaC scripts, Kubernetes manifests, and other infrastructure configurations.

DevOps tools for continuous testing environments

Put an End to Provisioning Bottlenecks

Self-Service Catalog

Give developers, testers, and other end users instant access to the infrastructure they need, when they need it. Torque provides a self-service catalog of blueprints for fully configured environments that users can deploy on-demand—but can’t edit without permission.

Lifecycle Automation

Run environments when needed, shut down when not. Deploy environments designed to support specific stages of the development lifecycle and set a custom maximum duration so they shut down automatically when they’re no longer needed.

Cloud Cost Optimization

CI/CD and ITSM Integration

Make the infrastructure lifecycle part of your standard operational processes. Torque with your CI/CD and ITSM tools to automate deployment and shutdown of complete environments.

CICD integration IaC

Policies & Security

Secure control for admins without impacting software velocity. Set policies to prohibit specific cloud infrastructure and configurations, encrypt security keys and other secrets, and establish role-based access controls to distribute access without risking unauthorized usage.

Removing Barriers to Help Developers Move Faster See how to cut out the bottlenecks that slow your developers down, without sacrificing governance.

See how to distribute access to environments pre-configured with permissions and policies to eliminate drag on developers, keep costs in budget, and secure cloud infrastructure.

Create your free trial account of Torque to get started

Use Cases

Deploy the Right Infrastructure On-Demand

You don’t have to sacrifice velocity to govern your infrastructure.

The Challenge

Developers, testers, and other end users are often forced to wait for centralized infrastructure experts to fulfill requests for application environments.

These delays drag out release timelines, frustrate developers, and lead to shadow IT.

The Solution

Torque eliminates these wait times with a self-service catalog of pre-configured environments that developers can deploy on-demand, backed by centrally managed blueprints that DevOps can provision automatically.

The Challenge

As applications require increasingly complex infrastructure, architects often struggle to deliver production-like test and staging environments in a timely manner.

This prevents development teams from identifying and fixing bugs or defects before pushing an application to production.

The Solution

Torque automatically orchestrates customizable blueprints for environments based on your existing IaC scripts, Kubernetes manifests, and other assets —allowing your infrastructure experts to build complex environments once and deploy repeatably and consistently to multiple end users.

The Challenge

If developers are forced to wait for access to infrastructure, they’ll find workarounds.

Rather than build new environments, developers often re-package legacy configurations that contain out-of-date components or parameters and other inefficiencies. This can introduce risk and create environments that are difficult to debug.

The Solution

Torque’s blueprints reflect the latest updates pushed to IaC configurations by the DevOps or IT teams responsible for keeping infrastructure up to date. By enabling access to environments via CI/CD, IDE, or CLI, Torque allows developers to use the existing tools and methods they prefer.

Balance Speed & Control for Complex Environments

Access to the infrastructure your teams need, guardrails to keep costs and security in control.
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Give your teams the exact level of control that they need to operate more efficiently.

DevOps, IT, & Architects

Spend less time manually provisioning infrastructure while restricting unauthorized cloud services and configurations.

Devs, Testers, & Other Users

Eliminate wait times and shadow IT with on-demand access to environments pre-configured for specific workloads.

Leadership & Management

Allocate cloud costs to the team, project, or any other variable you need to track granular impact on ROI.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! Our Torque platform allows you to determine who can create environments and modify infrastructure, and who can only view and deploy the environments. This includes restrictions on who can set maximum duration for an environment runtime or who can apply or change the tag to an environment before launching. Torque draws the line between those who orchestrate environments and those who consume them.

Quali’s Torque is not intended to replace Terraform for scripting. In fact, Torque embraces and extends the value of your existing Terraform scripts.

The Torque platform is designed to help our users seamlessly and safely access and rapidly deploy their existing Terraform scripts. Torque is unique for its ability to automatically identify and map multiple configuration types (Terraform, Helm, CloudFormation, Kubernetes, and vCenter) into a single repeatable blueprint. This eliminates the manual work required to configure Terraform scripts to work alongside Helm Charts or Kubernetes manifests, while also making those complete environments repeatable.

Further, Torque ties Terraform-configured infrastructure elements to business context–who owns it, operates it, its purpose, the application and/or business that it enables, and what the infrastructure costs to operate.

Think of Quali’s Torque as a unified control plane for all your infrastructure assets.

The Torque platform was designed to enhance your existing workflows. That means automating the entire lifecycle of environments directly where–and when–they’re needed. Torque will automatically deploy the right environment at the onset of a new stage of the CI/CD pipeline, then shut that environment down after that stage is complete. Torque currently support deployment on infrastructure within Jenkins, Azure DevOps, and CircleCI.

Yes. With Torque, infrastructure teams can enforce security and compliance by configuring environment blueprints with secrets and cloud account credentials securely embedded (and invisible to the user) to conform to policies that mitigate business risk. Torque’s policy engine, powered by Open Policy Agent (OPA), can embed guidelines for user access, cost, usage, and governance into the infrastructure provisioning process.

Quali’s Torque supports policies based on Open Policy Agent. Those with Admin permissions can set individual policies to allow or prohibit activity that doesn’t adhere to your standards, including launching specific cloud platforms or services, instance types, or configurations such as public AWS S3 buckets.

Admins can choose to apply these policies to all users in their Torque account or to apply to individual Spaces, which can be tailored to support specific teams or infrastructure.

Torque can automate the orchestration of a new environment in minutes. Torque allows you to discover and import infrastructure definitions directly from your GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket repositories, then automatically orchestrates a YAML file consisting of the specific assets you choose to import. This eliminates manual provisioning tasks that often slow the process down, and makes those environments repeatable so you can launch them any time you will need them in the future.

Quali’s Torque allows you to view the underlying infrastructure within your entire environment. This level of introspection allows you to verify that the environment is built and configured to meet your specific needs before you deploy.

Torque also detects application drift in your infrastructure assets automatically, and notifies admins in the event of any unexpected changes that may disrupt the environment. These notifications include details on the specific change so your infrastructure admins can resolve the issue rapidly.

Those who integrate their environments with a CI/CD or ITSM tool can carry out their day-to-day tasks with the peace of mind that all their environments are up to date and managed continuously.

Still have questions? Our team is here to help