Cloud Management

Navigating the DevOps Skills Gap

June 7, 2023
10 min READ

So, you’re well underway with your company’s digital transformation, but you’ve hit a snag: While you’re working to ship innovative applications and features rapidly, the process of provisioning infrastructure for your developers and engineers has hit one giant bottleneck. 

While their requests for infrastructure have undoubtedly accelerated, what’s lagged behind is the DevOps bandwidth to address them. 

It’s not a matter of simply hiring more folks. (You’ve tried that, I’m sure, until budgets dried up.) Requiring both coding and infrastructure engineering skills, the list of DevOps people qualified to deliver app dev, test, and production environments is limited. Compounding the problem is the increasingly complex nature of the infrastructure your teams need, along with the myriad proprietary tools used to provision infrastructure.  

As a result, productivity slows, application releases are delayed, product quality diminishes, and customer loyalties wane.  

Fortunately, there are concrete steps that you can take to address the imbalance between developer demand and DevOps supply, thereby (re)fueling your company’s digital transformation. In Quali’s new ebook, “Navigating the DevOps Skills Gap,” we lay out the key components: 

  • Take control of all infrastructure assets 
  • Make infrastructure provisioning repeatable  
  • Create self-service access to infrastructure  

To learn more, check out the ebook, “Navigating the DevOps Skills Gap”.