
Test drive Quali’s platform engineering tools with the Torque Playground

May 28, 2024
10 min READ

As DevOps teams evaluate platform engineering tools, we know how important it is to understand the experience first-hand before considering how a tool might fit into your team’s day-to-day operations.

And while we already offer a 30-day free trial of our professional and enterprise packages, we wanted to make it easier for anyone to jump in the driver seat and understand what Torque can do.

Today we’re excited to announce public availability of the Torque Playground—an interactive application that allows anyone to understand the experience of some of our most advanced customers.

In the Torque Playground, you can:

  • Provision cloud environments with just a few clicks of a mouse via our self-service catalog of pre-configured environment blueprints
  • Try our no-code environment design tool, which automatically generates a source file defining the code to provision an environment based on the infrastructure and application services selected by the user
  • Monitor the performance and activity of those environments with sample Activity reports
  • Understand month-to-date cloud costs and review auto-generated savings opportunities in a sample Cloud Cost Dashboard

As opposed to an interactive demo, the Torque Playground is a functional environment of our SaaS platform—similar to the type of environments that our customers deploy via the platform on a day-to-day basis.

That means users can provision actual application environments on Quali’s cloud account to understand how our customers use the platform to build, provision, and optimize cloud environments.

Try the Torque Playground

The Playground also offers multiple guided tours to help you take advantage of functionality based on your primary interests, including:

  • Launching a sample environment: For those who are interested in developer experience.
  • Designer for DevOps: For those interested in how Torque simplifies orchestration and makes environments reusable and scalable.
  • Reports & Insights for Managers: For anyone who would benefit from the insights you can gather by provisioning all environments from a developer platform.
  • And Torque Overview: For those who want to take the grand tour and understand how all stakeholders will benefit.

Once you’re ready to create a developer platform for your cloud environments, you can kick off your 30-day free trial of Torque directly via the Torque Playground.

See how the Torque Playground works with this brief video: