DevOps Automation Tools to Optimize Continuous Testing

DevOps teams often struggle to provision testing and staging environments that replicate production-like conditions. Quali accelerates orchestration and simplifies management of testing environments so devs and testers can access the right infrastructure on-demand.

DevOps tools for continuous testing environments

Don’t Let Manual Provisioning Hold Back Your DevOps Testing Strategy

DevOps teams often struggle to support continuous testing as out-of-date infrastructure provisioning tools make it difficult to deliver production-like environments at scale.

Scale & Optimize Your Testing Environments

Reusable Templates

Create reusable templates for your testing environments that your teams can deploy repeatedly and update continuously, eliminating redundant provisioning processes and making it easier to replicate production-like conditions.

Democratized Access

Accelerate your testing processes with self-service access for QA testers to launch environments on-demand and automatically via integrations with their CI/CD tools.

Continuous Optimization

Ensure all testing environments are up-to-date with automated notifications for configuration drift or other unexpected changes, with the assurance that all fixes made to the template apply to every deployment.

See How Quali Supports Continuous Testing Environments

Discovery & Orchestration

Eliminate redundant provisioning for testing and staging environments. Quali Torque discovers and imports the configurations defined in your Git repository to create reusable definitions for complete testing environments that you can launch and manage continuously.

Orchestrate devops testing environments automatically

Secure Self-Service Deployment

Accelerate testing stages with secure self-service access for testers to deploy pre-configured testing environments and perform day-2 actions on the cloud VMs powering them. Role-based access controls and custom cloud governance policies provide DevOps teams the assurance that all environments are configured and deployed as expected.

deploy continuous testing environments for devops

Drift Detection & Updates

Don’t let unwanted changes to your testing environments go unnoticed. Alert your DevOps and testing teams to configuration drift in your environments so your teams can reconcile them quickly. Give your DevOps teams the assurance that all testing environments adhere to the latest approved updates to your templates.

drift detection for continuous devops testing environments

Lifecycle Automation via CI/CD

Make testing stages easier and more efficient by automating the lifecycle of your testing environments seamlessly. Integrate your templates for testing environments to deploy automatically at the onset of a testing stage in your CI/CD tool. Set durations and workflows to terminate testing environments automatically after they’re no longer needed.

lifecycle automation for continuous devops testing environments

Watch a Demo to See Quali Torque in Action

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Learn more about how Quali Torque supports DevOps teams

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