Top Ten Reasons to Meet Us at re:Invent


Back in Vegas: Quali is heading to AWS re:Invent this year, our first post pandemic live event in the US.

There are countless reasons you should visit us during the event, but let’s just talk about the top 10:

  • Because you know waiting on infrastructure is annoying. Come see us at re:Invent and we’ll walk you through how Torque can super-charge your DevOps process with self-service access to complete application environments. Have a look at our latest blog on AWS for a sneak peek.
  • Because you never did get around to getting that Terraform certification. We love Terraform and all the other Infrastructure as Code tools, but we know that hiring enough experts in that area is tough. Stop by to learn how Torque leverages your existing Terraform investment into easy-to-use environment blueprints so that even the non-experts can spin up secure, governed environments with ease.
  • We’re announcing cool stuff. Okay, my marketing team would get mad at me if I wrote it here and spoiled the surprise, but trust me, we’re announcing some stuff that will change the way you think about provisioning environments for your developers. Stay tuned (and follow us on LinkedIn).
  • We’re giving away cool swag. Torque is all about adding power to your DevOps practice. What screams power and torque more than Lego motorcycles? Sneak peek below:

  • We’re hiring talented people. Obviously, our big goal for re:Invent is to get the word out about Torque…but not just so that more DevOps and application developer peeps adopt it; we are hiring LIKE CRAZY and what better place to meet people who are passionate about this stuff than at re:Invent?!
  • It’s just nice to be in person again. Enough said.
  • Some of us still aren’t cool with the whole “in person” thing. We get that too—so visit us virtually. Click here to set up a virtual meet & greet.
  • Meet our experts and attend live demos. We will be showcasing our SaaS solution Torque, that takes your IaC to the next level. That’s when the rubber hits the road—no pun intended :).
  • Centrally located: we are right next to the dev lounge (#1255), a great place to stretch your legs between two IaC debugging sessions.
  • Happy hour friendly. Take a break from your sessions for a Chardonnay or a refreshing beer. We will be there with Torque-branded beer openers just in case.

Figure 1: My Marketing team says it’s a wrench, but it looks like it could easily pop open a cold one!

Did we convince you to join us? Register here. Feeling a little weird about attending in-person? No sweat—you can register virtually (and it’s free!).

Want to get a taste of Torque before heading to re:Invent? Sign up for our 30-day free trial here.