
How IBM’s acquisition of HashiCorp affects Quali’s community

May 1, 2024
10 min READ

So, have you all heard the buzz about IBM picking up HashiCorp?

Yep, it’s been the talk of the town and rightly so—it’s a big deal in our world of infrastructure automation and security.

In the past year, the infrastructure automation  space has seen:

  • HashiCorp move Terraform to the Business Source License, which included the decision to withhold updates and security patches for the prior open source versions of the tool
  • A coalition of Terraform Automation and Collaboration (TACO) vendors—who were left out of the Terraform ecosystem under the BSL—band together to create an open source fork of Terraform called OpenTofu
  • The Linux Foundation announce its backing of OpenTofu as an open source Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool
  • Legal action between HashiCorp and OpenTofu which included claims of illegal use of Terraform’s closed-source code
  • IBM’s announced plans to acquire HashiCorp, which leaves Terraform’s future in an uncertain state

Like always, big news brings big speculations and a fair share of worries about what’s to come, especially concerning IaC and what this all means for the tools and services we depend on every day.

Here at Quali, we’ve been chewing over this quite a bit. I wanted to take a moment to chat with our community about where we stand amidst all these changes.

First thing’s first—our commitment to our community hasn’t wavered. We’re still all in on making sure our solutions are not just robust and adaptable, but also right there leading the charge when it comes to innovation. 

So, What’s the Immediate Scoop?

For starters, let’s get one thing clear: the day-to-day stuff? It’s business as usual.

Our Torque platform creates environments as code by discovering and leveraging our users’ IaC resources. For those using a combination of IaC tools to define those resources—say, for example, Terraform, Ansible, and OpenTofu—this normalizes the resource configuration so the user can define the application environment in code regardless of the tool used to define each resource. With environments as code, users can provision those resources with a single click so no one needs to be an IaC expert to run an application environment.

To see this process in action, watch this brief video:

Despite the changes in the IaC ecosystem, all our services and support—Terraform included—are humming along as you’ve always expected them to. We know the tendency is to react swiftly and worry about the “what ifs,” but we’re here on solid ground, ready to handle whatever comes our way.

In fact, we’ve recently expanded our support for both Terraform and OpenTofu so that our users can more easily provision infrastructure regardless of the technology used to define it.

And Looking Ahead?

With IBM and HashiCorp sketching out their future game plan, there’s a lot still hanging in the balance.

We’re keeping an eagle eye on how things are shaping up because we know the devil is in the details—things like scalability, how easy the tools are to use, and all that important governance stuff. Rest assured, we’re not just waiting to react; we’re actively ensuring our tools will stand up to whatever new challenges this merger might bring.

Here for You, Every Step of the Way

More than anything, we want you to know that Quali isn’t just another tech provider. We’re your partner in this journey. We’re doubling down on innovation, watching the horizons, and gearing up to help you adapt smoothly as the industry evolves.

We’re grateful for the trust our users place in us, and we’re excited about forging ahead together, tackling the new challenges head-on.

If you’ve got questions, concerns, or you just want to talk this out more—our doors (and inboxes) are always open. Let’s keep the conversation going and make sure we’re all set for whatever the future holds.

To Wrap Up

Change is the one constant in tech, right? But some things don’t change—like our commitment to you, our drive for excellence, and our passion for preparing you for the future, come what may. Thanks for sticking with us. Here’s to continuing our journey together, come what may!