Cloud Management

Announcing Quali’s Partner Program: Enhancing Customer Value with Scalable Cloud Infrastructure

March 26, 2024
10 min READ

Over the past decade, the landscape of enterprise cloud infrastructure has undergone a revolutionary transformation, reshaping the way organizations manage and scale their operations.

One of the most significant shifts has been the widespread adoption of hybrid and multi-cloud strategies, as enterprises look to optimize how they distribute workloads across multiple public and private cloud infrastructure.

Moreover, advancements in containerization technologies, epitomized by platforms like Kubernetes, have empowered enterprises to achieve greater consistency in deploying and managing applications across diverse environments. This shift towards container orchestration has facilitated seamless portability, enabling businesses to effortlessly move applications between on-premises data centers and various cloud providers.

While these developments have helped to advance the cloud industry, they’ve often resulted in additional complexity. Advancements in cloud technology promise innovation and velocity, but security risks and budgetary concerns often result in restricted access and manual processes that diminish that value. Facing these risks, today’s enterprises often face a difficult tradeoff between operational velocity and cloud governance.

Quali’s partner program was created to help customers navigate these challenges.

How does Quali’s partner program work?

For years, our customers have trusted us to make infrastructure easier to use and manage. Whether by providing infrastructure automation solutions to help make resources more scalable, or serving as an infrastructure control plane to orchestrate and manage their existing configuration assets, Quali has long served as a trusted partner for enterprises looking to optimize productivity and efficiency in cloud operations.

The Quali partner program was created to help other organizations leverage these solutions to help their customers and modernize their own commercial offerings.

Currently, Quali partners fall into one of three categories:

1. Systems Integrators & Resellers

Quali helps systems integrators and resellers accelerate time to market and maximize customer satisfaction with our suite of automation tools for complex multi-cloud and hybrid cloud infrastructure.

Leveraging our solutions enables systems integrators to deliver enhanced developer experience, accelerate productivity in the cloud, and optimize efficiency with automated cloud governance and cost optimization.

At a time when enterprises are looking to minimize operational costs while executing an innovative digital strategy, leveraging Quali’s solutions is an efficient way for systems integrators to keep up with customer needs and deliver results.

Learn more about why Systems Integrators & Resellers partner with Quali

2. Managed Service Providers

The complexity of a hybrid cloud can make it difficult for Managed Service Providers (MSPs) to maintain customer satisfaction and profitability.

The constantly evolving world of cloud platforms and tooling make it difficult to keep up with customer demands, while the ensuing complexity of multi-cloud management often results in a fragmented customer experience.

As a result, visibility into operational costs and productivity can be minimal, leading to higher-than-expected costs and limited profitability.

MSPs partner with Quali to normalize infrastructure across cloud platforms and configuration tools so they can focus on scaling and tailoring services for customer stakeholders—while maintaining visibility and control over operations and costs.

Go deeper on Quali’s partner program for Managed Service Providers

3. Technology & Cloud Service Providers

As cloud infrastructure continues to sprawl into new use cases and customer stakeholders, technology and cloud service providers need to find ways to scale cloud access as part of the user experience.

Traditional approaches to cloud provisioning and delivery often take people away from their day-to-day work, resulting in slower productivity and a frustrating user experience for customers.

Quali’s partner program helps technology and cloud service providers enhance customer value by making make cloud infrastructure access seamless, intuitive, and efficient for their users, while ensuring that IT and DevOps teams can standardize cloud operations at scale.

Our infrastructure control plane approach helps technology and cloud service providers democratize no-code access for developers and other business units to launch cloud resources on-demand, while leveraging automation and continuous visibility so admins can optimize productivity and efficiency.

Learn more about why Technology & Cloud Service Providers partner with Quali

Ready to learn more? Let’s meet at AWS re:Invent!

The Quali team will be on-site and ready to demonstrate our solutions at AWS re:Invent.

You can book a 15-minute demo at the Quali booth here:

Book a demo with the Quali team at AWS re:Invent